Let's get it!


CrossFit Epically Awesome - Sat, Jan 18
Warm Up

1. Movement Prep/Activation

Hinshaw Warm Up

2. Workout Prep
2 sets (with partner)
100m Run (at workout pace)
3 Synchro Burpees

4.40 Challenge Workout #2 Option 1 (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

Freedom (RX'd)

Teams of 2
44:00 AMRAP
800m Run (together)
40 Synchro Burpees
* If unable to run, sub a 2000/1700m Row, shared between partners.

Scoring: every 100m Run or Row = 1 rep

No Change to Workout

Teams of 2
30:00 AMRAP
400m Run (together)
20 Synchro Up Downs

No Target Score, Just Move and Have Fun.

Mayhem Mini-Pump – Glutes and Core (Checkmark)

3 rounds:

10 Weighted Hip Thrust @ moderate weight
-rest 30 seconds-
10 Kneeling Banded Hip Extension @ moderate weight
-rest 30 seconds-
10 Lateral Band Walk @ moderate weight
-rest 30 seconds-
10 Standing Banded Pallof Press (each side)
-rest 30 seconds-
12 Strict Hanging Leg Raise
-Rest 2 minutes between rounds-

* Instead of resting :30, athletes can partner up and go 1:1 on movements and advance together to the next station when their partner finishes.

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